° myenergycans ID: 8102cesl00370
° Obtained on: 01/08/2018 06:21:46 PM

° Obtained by: monika

° to receive the can by: tharmiga
° Store-bought by: migros
° Web-bought by: ricardoshop.ch
° Privat-bought by: privat

° located in: brugg


° Name: Spring Up
° Theme:
° Series:
° Description: BIO ENERGY (Beschrieb)
° Flavor: mojito

° Auxiliary: sugar free (Ergänzung)

° Nutrition information per 100ml:

   coffein 32 mg
   energy 46 kcal, 197 kJ


   vitamin 11 mg

° Country bought in: germany

° Country made in:  germany

° Made by:

° Barcode:
° Volume: 250 ml

° Brand: ACO